Solutions and Services Web Analytics Solutions

Get Scroll Percentage (JavaScript): Scroll depth for analytics

This article demonstrates an easy and effective way to get scroll percentage (scroll depth) at any point of time during page scrolls. For a deep dive content analysis, tracking scroll depth is crucial. Especially when customer-engagement is in the equation, scroll depth reveals content effectiveness. Below are some scenarios when you would want to consider […]

Digital Marketing Solutions Solutions and Services Web Analytics Solutions

How to copy custom dimensions to another property (Google Analytics)

In this article, Firstly, I will explain how to copy custom dimensions in Google Analytics from one property to another property. Secondly, the best part is that, it can be used for multiple properties using a simple technique. If you want to copy custom dimensions from one property to another, it can be done manually. […]

Web Analytics Solutions

How to install Analytics on your Website: DIY (Google Analytics & GTM)

To install analytics on your website/online business/blog, you should enable tracking of your website as well as  tracking of all your digital marketing activities. Trust me, it isn’t as hard as it seems actually.! Yes, follow this DIY guide and you should be able to get started with Analytics on your website easily within no time […]


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